Video demonstration for measuring the VTMax of small reptiles, using a light chamber.
Some species of small reptiles (Ex. anolis lizards) may not remain in a dark chamber because they feel safer in a wider and illuminated place. This video shows the protocol to measure the voluntary thermal maximum (VTMax) for sch species. It also shows the steps...
How to measure the Voluntary Thermal Maximum using a dark chamber.
Many reptiles and amphibians like to remain hidden within a smal and dark receptacle. This video tutorial shows how to measure their thermal tolerance in a less stressful way, taking advantage of that behavior. Source: Camacho, A., Rusch, T., Ray, G., Telemeco, R.,...
Over the world, temperatures are on the rise. Some species can deal with it, but many others not.Knowing which ones are in danger, and where, requires integrating lot of information, such like: 1) how environmental temperatures vary in space and time, 2) where are...